Experiencing the Experience
Experiencing the Experience
Have you ever wonder how to
actually experience the experience?
I guess not, we don’t go that far
or that deep into things, let me explain this notion which had been bugging me
since last night and I slept over it, thinking, dreaming and realizing, making
my own mental notes, and here comes another Sunday morning with another
complication/assortment of thoughts. So many chores, duties, kids and
responsibilities lined up, needless to say back of my head thinking that
tomorrow is Monday, and it shall be another fast paced week with work related
meetings, tasks and issues to deal with, don’t want to think about it. This
very thought, element of intrigue kept me restless all night, woke up unusually
early and not wanting to do much, got my hair oiled (Maalish), my entire body
is sore from yesterday’s intense yoga session and this soreness is the testimony
of pleasant power and eternal endurance which makes me feel great and at brings
my emotions at peace. Read two newspapers, been browsing through three new
books that I invested upon at Liberty books, spent an hour in finding, reading
and selecting my choice of books, not that I intended to buy them all, but it’s
my weakness, once I get into a book store I am simply lost, though we don’t
have great book stores here in Karachi, whatever is available, we have to
cherish., My daughter is the one who dragged me into the store as she wanted to
buy a new book which she said no one in her class has it (new series of diary
of a wimpy Kid). It was terribly crowded
at Dolmen Mall, my son wanted to check out the Yamaha music store, but it was
decided to go to liberty books first (as I also enjoy being in there), To get
away from the hustle bustle of the main mall, we got to the store, me being in
my zone, literally crawling into isles of my favorite sections until my
daughter got tired of asking me to “let’s go” which she had said at least 13
times. I gave in after selecting 3
interesting books of my choice and my son too had found a book so we all were
buffed with books. We didn't hang around
much in the mall as nothing was to be done. Now it’s Sunday, almost 1 pm and I
have to finish up some official work, than a meeting, kids homework, than have
to take my son to one of the birthday party of his class mate, and before that
I have to shower, Yoga, change and get into the rhythm of things.
(This post was written last Sunday
but didn’t have time to share it and here I am almost a week has passed sharing it now)

Coming back to the topic, how is
it if we cannot express or explain any experience that we encounter, for
example “death” no one knows how it feels, tastes, and what exactly happens
when you are dying, when your spirit is getting out of your body. So many myths
about it but no real explanation such experience. Than ‘near death experiences’
but whoever I talked to about it, who had experienced that, most of them said
they went blank or went into unconscious zone which they do not remember. When
experiencer is lost than experience is also diminished, who and how will anyone
relate that experience, when there is no subject, the object also disappears.
And also similarly, the case of knowledge, when it might be there but the
knower is not there or exists anymore. THIS HAS BEEN THE PROBLEM WITH ALL
SUFIES, MYSTICS AND SAINTS, they reach to ULTIMATE STATE but they cannot relate
to or relate with others, who are simply there or even with them who might be
following them. This intellectual explanation could only be transferred or possible
if the other person to ready to receive it and the person who has attained that
state of experience is ready to explain it. Words, symbols, theories, equations
cannot simply do it.The experience is such that it is
more like an experiencing than like an experience itself. It is a complete and
continuous process which when begins, and it never ends. You enter into it but
you never possess it. It is like a drop dropping in the ocean, or ocean itself
dropping into the drop. It is a very deep merger, it is ONENESS, and you simply
melt away into it. Nothing is left behind, not even a trace, so who will communicate? Who
will come back to the darkest night of your solitude to tell you?All the mystics and saints all
over the world have always felt impotent as far as communication is concerned.
For them communion is doable but communication is literally impossible that is
why I say that they cannot explain that Ultimate state that they had achieved.
Now this concept has to be understood from its basics. A communion is a totally
different human dimension, two heart meet, it is a love affair. Communication
is from head to head whereas communion is from heart to heart, communion is a
feeling. Communication is knowledge in which only words are given and only
words are written or explained and only words are understood. Even in daily
life, forget the ULTIMATE, just simple things of life, as we say so many times,
“I can’t explain in words” and “it was great I can’t tell you on phone”, “I
kissed her and the feeling was out of this world, which I shall never be able
to explain”. Someone told me about her “ishq’ she had encountered while being
married, she met someone that she had visions about. Yes, she had seen him
before actually seeing him. As she explained the feelings which seems
unrealistic. She narrated and defined it to be ultimate of all, romantic to the
core of passion, lust, intimacy, infatuation, obsession, hormonal, emotional
and to top it all off “spiritual” as if it was magic and not wanting to get
into it, she felt dragged by a “pull” an unknown force. She wanted to meet him
right away, be with him, listen to him, hearing his voice became fuel of her
pulse. She broke all the norms of values and explored her visionary man to find
out and to follow her dreams. She
experienced amazing feelings which she said, no other man she had felt with. I
do not understand any of it, still don’t because whatever she said was
something which we might hear from a teenager or maybe from someone who is
probably a saint. It seemed complicated. I wonder if she made things up to
justify her encounter with another man, or was she really serious, not sure
yet. I researched a lot on this kind of
feelings but in five years I am still unable to relate or measure the intensity
of that ‘pull’. So many other things,
good or bad, we cannot write or words cannot replace the experience which one
has gone through, not even any kind of communication could do much in this.
Only Communion could if it exists between two individuals or between a person
and the ultimate/supreme being (GOD).Research of my latest
understanding is real Communion, and which shall take me to the understanding
of Supreme nature, the ultimate state, which I might someday acquire or reach
(not sure if I have achieved that already). Communion could be involved in all
kinds of understanding be it life, heart, mind, soul, love, intimacy or
consummation, each state as an ‘Ultimate” aspect of it and we shall be able to
reach out to it and attain it.I shall be writing more about this
concept as I read more, understand more and achieve more, I might not be able
to have Communion with you all, but I shall make communication possible in best
possible manner and I am open to further discussions to explain more and to
understand more from your experiences, knowledge, and information. At the same
time I shall be delighted if we understand to develop Communion with others to
make them understand more, to bring them where we are in terms of understanding
and realization. Yoga, meditation is one way of attaining Communion and its
further branches are also very interesting, especially Tantra practice which
understand and develops ultimate Communion between two souls to achieve highest
possible natural Ecstasy. I shall be writing about this as well as I mentioned
in my last post that I had been working on various aspects of Kundalini and
Tantra to acquire understanding and attain the state so that I may explain ‘experiencing the experience’. There is a lot to share and discuss and off course reveal but
I shall never conceal what I discover or experience. Some interesting experiences have jolted me last year by my own way of lucid dreaming (refer
to my post on lucid dreams) and meditation, and I must thank a student who
became teacher to me and shall always remain in my spiritual sight as an ultimate
light, to follow and to reach out to touch the face of fate.